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How to import photos from iphone?

I post this article solely to increase blog post coverage on the ONLY EFFICIENT way to import photos from iphone to mac. The majority of articles explain the import process using iPhoto or Aperture. That might lead one to the completely wrong conclusion that it is not possible to import photos / pictures from iphone directly to the file system. Wrong. It is possible and there is already a minority of articles that describe the import from an iphone to a file system without iPhoto or Aperture. Let me try to push the back balance in the article count :-)

How to import pictures / photos from iPhone:

press cmd + space
write 'preview' in the spotlight window
hit Top hit in the context menu
go to menu the 'File' menu in
select 'import from iPhone'

voila .... do as you will :-)

Yes, this is my shortest blog post yet.

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