signals uninterrupted

Apple pushes 4" display to a niche.

Apple has introduced the iPhone 6 generation of its iPhone product line. The news is that iPhones just got BIGGER. ‘Hallelujah’ cries the mainstream, and people are stacking into lines. Not me, I am just contemplating where my grief for a 4” display comes from.

We all know that Apple is best at keeping its sales margin high likely the highest in the industry. Apple is doing a lot to keep it so high.
I noticed years ago that among Apple’s tools to keep margins high is also a ruthless streak of cutting off products that answer to niche markets only or are not sexy enough. (the first time I noticed this was when Apple dropped matte displays - for the sake of marketing photos’ attractiveness and maybe production efficiency). Who outside Cupertino cares that, even nowadays, glossy displays are worse to read?

Well, it is Apple’s right to decide over their product portfolio. No doubt about that.

So, Apple decided that 4” display is a niche and followed the mainstream toward 5” displays. And what about those of us who prefer the mobility of a smaller device? Get used to it.

I am talking about the bitter taste that remains left in a man’s mouth after Apple decides that his preferences have become a niche.

I have simple needs - I just do not need a bigger display - I need mobility - not a paddle to carry in my pocket.

Is there anybody else out there who wants a 4” display? Write a comment pls :-)

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